Tuesday 8 March 2016


Black cumin oil
The herb Nigella Sativa (botanical name), unfortunately little known in this country, there are 2500 years documented history. Black cumin (Nigella sativa) is a plant with a height of 40 to 60 cm. The plant, seed and oil derived from it are known by various names such as black cumin (although nothing to do with cumin), black seed, seed chelebitka , Polish chelebitka, Blackie, kazha, Habbat al-baraka (blessing seed) kalondzhi "Pharaonic oil" - because the found vial in the tomb of Tutankhamun and other evidences of regular use of the pharaohs.
Archaeologists have found seeds of black cumin in excavations dating from the Neolithic and Mesolithic, indicating that is used by at least 8000 years ago.
The ancient Egyptians knew and used black cumin as a panacea (for treatment of problems and diseases). The famous Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered among the objects in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun black oil that no one knew what it was. Soon became known as "black cumin oil" or "chelebitka." It was known that ancient Egyptians knew about black cumin, but nobody could say exactly what you have used in your daily life.
Nevertheless, the fact that black cumin was among the belongings of the young king, in itself speaks about its importance over time. It can also be added that the Egyptian queen Nefertiti, used the unusual action of black cumin on the skin to preserve the beauty and youth, and increase the tonus.
In the Old Testament speaks of undeniable importance of black cumin, even describes how for extraction of its oil.
Black Cumin flower
The plant was known to the Romans who called it Greek coriander. It is described by the ancient Greek physician of the I century Dioscorides as a remedy for common health problems, toothache, headache and mainly dietary use.
In the book of the great Arab scholar Ibn Sina (Avicenna) "Canon of Medicine", states that black cumin activates energy and thus helps overcome fatigue and weakness.
In the Muslim world it is well known because of the words of the prophet Mohammed: "In the black seed is a cure for everything but death" (Sahih Bukari 7: 591).
Information from antiquity and the wide application and modern scientific studies have shown that this plant is one of the contenders for health strengthening resource of the millennium.
Today its exceptional healing properties are known and used worldwide. With a basic part of Nigel Sativa in herbal compositions has registered five patents in the US and Europe, to combat and treat asthma / allergies (EP 1709995 A1), diabetes (US006042834 A), psoriasis (US 006 531 164 B1), as well as antiviral agent (US 006841174 B2), and immune stimulator and inhibitor of cancer cell growth (US 005653981 a).
The unique combination of over 100 active components in natural black cumin oil 100ml of seed of Nigel Sativa obtained by cold pressing, has the power to regulate immune function and maintain the health of people from an early age.
Black cumin oil is rich in essential fatty acids (omega 6 and 9). Contains: Proteins 208 μg; Thiamine 15μg (vit. B1); Riboflavin 1μg (vit. B2); Pyridoxine 5μg (Vit. B6); Carotene (which is converted into vitamin A), Niacin 57μg, folacin 610 IU / g; Calcium 1.859mg, Iron 105μg, Honey 18μg, Zinc 60μg; Phosphorus 5.265 mg; There are no impurities or preservatives!
Black Cumin Seed
It also contains Arginine, which is an essential amino acid for children and elderly people suffered injuries, burns, infections (neutralize free radicals and ammonia, stimulates the release of growth hormone and collagen synthesis; acts as an immunomodulator; the fact is that the epidermis wound healing It contains high amounts of arginine). Stimulates the production of prostaglandin E1 (regulates nerve impulses and brain function, reduces inflammation and skin eczema, acts vasodilator and bronchodilator).
One of the most important ingredients - Nigelonat, is effective against asthma, bronchitis and respiratory diseases, such as expands and soothes brochies and inhibits the release of histamines. Unique to the plant Timokvinin (Thimoquinon) shows exceptional anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties; It is a powerful antioxidant and helps clean of toxins. To help nigelona manifests itself as an antihistamine and bronholitik.
As affects the thymus stimulates the production of bone marrow, activates and regulates the synthesis of appropriate hormones, destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, detoxifies and cleanses the body, Nigella Sativa works to boost immunity and activation of its own vitality of the body, already mobilized, can fight and beat the disease alone. And it harmless and without side effects!
Immunostimulator - strengthens and balances the immune system;
Anti allergic and antihistamine - helps with various Target species allergies, asthma, sinusitis;
Analgesic - relieves pain (headaches, cramps, menstrual pain, migraine);
Anthelmintic - destroyed and disposed of worms and parasites;
Antioxidant - prevents and slows the destructive oxidation of cells, neutralizes free radicals;
Antipyretic - the high temperature get down;
Antispazmatik - relieves muscle spasms and cramps;
Diuretic - stimulates urination and discharge of water retention;
Furthermore, there are:
Anticancer, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties - kills or inhibits the growth of destructive cells, bacteria and microorganisms;
Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol;
Improves circulation and blood pressure;
Tones the body and stimulates sexual activity;
Helps to increase milk supply, assuming after birth; Helps with: psoriasis, eczema, acne and more. skin disorders, hair loss; Rheumatoid arthritis; Stomach and digestive problems (ulcers, diarrhea); Colds and others.


Here is the place where you can find this black cumin oil

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